2. Is ordering on-line safe?
3. How can I learn more tricks?
4. What is the AYYA?
5. How long should my string be?
6. What is a fixed axle yo-yo?
7. What is a trans-axle yo-yo?
8. When should I change my string?
9. How do I change the string?
10. Should I wax my string?
11. Should I lubricate my trans-axle yo-yo?
12. Which yo-yos loop the best?
13. Was the yo-yo originally designed as a weapon?
14. Who is the best yo-yo player of all time?
15. What is the best way to learn two-handed yo-yo tricks?
16. What is the best instructional video tape available for yo-yoing?
17. Are there any good yo-yo books?
18. How can I learn more about collecting yo-yos?
Special Thanks to Chuck Short for writing our FAQs.

1. What is the best yo-yo?
"Best" is a matter of personal choice since yo-yos come in all shapes, sizes, and price ranges. It depends on the age and skill of the player, as well as what tricks they want to perform with the yo-yo. Yo-Yo Universe recommends the Yomega Brain to entry level players. Players learn tricks quickly, the clutch is very cool and at $14.99, it's a price most people can afford. If you want better performance we recommend you buy a roller bearing yo-yo. You can look at all the roller bearing yo-yos in our shopping section. Click on the SHOP ONLINE tab above. All the advanced level yo-yos use a roller bearing.

2. Is ordering on-line safe?
It's safer than placing an order with a cordless phone. There are scanners that can pick up phone conversations. You have to make a decision on the odds. Nothing is 100% safe - but when ordering on-line with our secure server, your information is encrypted, broken up, and sent in short bursts to our server. Here's how our on-line shopping center works. When you enter the shopping area, you may browse, add anything to your shopping cart, and leave or print out your order without giving any personal information. If you decide to check out, you will see the little lock on the bottom of your screen lock. That's your assurance that you are entering a secure area and that any information you send to us will be encrypted. Once we receive your order, we'll process it within two business days and send it out. Of course, you may call us with questions during our business hours 10 am - 8 pm Eastern Standard Time at 1-866-428-2335. Or if you prefer, fax us your order at 616-846-0106. We think you'll find our shopping area a convenient and easy way to order.

3. How can I learn more tricks?
The best way to learn more tricks is to hang out with other yo-yo players. Trick books and videos also show many tricks.

4. What is the AYYA?
The American Yo-Yo Association is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the art and sport of yo-yoing. To find out more about the AYYA click on our Yo-Yo Links button and then click on the AYYA link.

5. How long should my string be?
A general rule of thumb is that when the yo-yo is on the floor the top of the slip knot should be 1 to 2 inches above your navel.

6. What is a fixed axle yo-yo?
A fixed axle yo-yo, or "traditional" yo-yo, has an axle that is attached to both halves of the yo-yo. The string loops over the axle and the axle spins inside the loop of the string.

7. What is a trans-axle yo-yo?
A transaxle is a round sleeve that fits over the axle. The yo-yo string fits around this sleeve, allowing the yo-yo to spin faster. There are two sorts of trans-axles, nylon and steel roller bearing. Nylon transaxles, found on yo-yos such as the "Fireball" give extra performance at a great price. Steel roller bearings give the long sleeps, the fastest spins and the best performance. "Yomega Raider", "Terminator Tornado", "Turbo BumbleBee", the "Viper" and "Cold Fusion" are examples of high performance, roller bearing yo-yos.

8. When should I change my string?
If the string is frayed or worn in any way, has become grey or dirty, it should be changed immediately.

9. How do I change the string?
For a fixed axle model: For a trans-axle model:
To remove or replace a yo-yo string, untwist the bottom end of the replacement string until it becomes one big loop and slip it over the axle.
Follow the directions above, but you may need to wrap two loops over the transaxle.

10. Should I wax my string?
Yes... No... Maybe! ; ) Our suggestion, NEVER use wax with a trans-axle yo-yo! This is an often disagreed upon finer point of yo-yoing, and it boils down to personal choice and playing style. There are others who disagree with me. If you do decide that waxing is for you, or you want to experiment with it, remember that when waxing, LESS IS MORE. Too much wax can ruin a yo-yo, especially one that is not equipped with a replaceable axle sleeve. Apply it very sparingly, and avoid using heavily perfumed or densely colored candles for wax. There are several suitable kinds of wax, and some of them include uncolored paraffin wax, as well as a wax that is sold specifically for yo-yo strings.

11. Should I lubricate my trans-axle yo-yo?
Many manufacturers suggest that this be done periodically. It is important not to over lubricate the axle sleeve or bearing, and it is a matter of trial and error to decide how much lube to use (start out with small amounts first). Some products are commercially available and meant specifically for lubricating yo-yos (Yomega Brain Lube, for instance). If you've decided to try lubing, you can order some through our on-line catalog. Click on the Shop Online button, and then look under yo-yo accessories.

12. Which yo-yos loop the best?
Certain body styles of yo-yo are not meant for looping, and it is important to note that yo-yos configured in the "flared gap" mode will not loop very well. The flared gap style is designed to allow the yo-yo to land on the string during string tricks. The classic shaped and rim weighted yo-yo designs are good for loops, and the "Terminator Technic" yo-yo, with its modified body style, is highly regarded as one of the best looping yo-yos. However, the best is always a matter of personal preference.

13. Was the yo-yo originally designed as a weapon?
We can't find any historical reference where a yo-yo was used as a weapon. It's believed that this story originated as part of a marketing campaign in the 1940's to capture kids' imaginations. (Remember World War II had just ended, and many kids had fathers who fought in that war.)... Still, it's possible that this was true. Who are we to squash a good yo-yo story! ; ).

14. Who is the best yo-yo player of all time?
That's a tough question because over the last ten years yo-yos have made a huge leap in technology, allowing the Pros to do tricks that simply weren't possible with older models. The five National Master Yo-Yo players, Dale Oliver, Dale Myrberg, Dennis McBride, Bill DeBoisblanc, and Steve Brown are all incredibly talented, innovative and creative individuals, and it is a safe bet that the "best" player in the world and therefore the best player of all time, can be chosen from one of them. Many other players both past and present, have made their mark in the yo-yo world. It's important to note that yo-yoing is an art form as well as a sport. Attend a contest and you'll see what we mean.

15. What is the best way to learn two-handed yo-yo tricks?
First, it's best to build a solid foundation with as many one-handed tricks as possible before moving on to two-handed work. One common way to get started with two handed play is to strengthen your off hand by learning as many tricks as possible. Some players recommend that you put off playing with your dominant hand for a month or so, and take the time to relearn all the tricks you know with your off hand. Here at Yo-Yo Universe we recommend an advanced video or trick book if you don't know someone who can help you in person.

16. What is the best instructional video tape available for yo-yoing?
This falls back to personal taste and style of play, as well as the artistic approach the individual has chosen to take in their video presentation. All the tapes that are currently available are good for learning the basic tricks, but some delve deeper into more advanced tricks than others. You can find out more under Yo-Yo Accessories in our Shop Online area, and then clicking on the thumbnail picture of a video for additonal details.

17. Are there any good yo-yo books?
The Duncan or Yomega trick books are a great place to start your yo-yoing career. More advanced books include "Splitting the Atom" and "Hydrogen Bomb". Every trick book is a little different. We know many players who collect both yo-yos and trick books.

18. How can I learn more about collecting yo-yos?
There are several web pages available on the internet that deal with this subject, and some books have been printed , including "Collectible American Yo-Yos" by Chris Cook and "Lucky's Guide to 20th Century Yo-Yos" by Lucky Meisenheimer, one of the premier yo-yo collectors in the world. A good place to learn about collecting yo-yos is to meet and network with other players at contests and gatherings.